wtorek, 2 września 2008

Empire of Chaos progress

Hi everyone!

I've got idea to make my own blog about other author's mods and to inform you about progress of my own TC. Oh, sorry... my and AlumiuN's :) .

If you want to comment my posts, please don't use words like: lol, omfg, omg, rotfl etc. Eventually: brb or heh. No leetspeak, please (if I have used these words, I have done it when I was for too long in my school, with lots of people that are still using leetspeak).

Something about EoC - I think that coding phase is done it 20-40% . But if you want certainly info, ask AlumiuN. Propably the code will be done until 15th september. Then I will add graphics, sounds, make maps and do some more stuff. So the Pre-Release will be done until end of the month. But I can be late so... don't be so unpatient.

I will add first review until end of the day. Stay tuned, guys! I can judge mod made by everyone of you ... :)


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